About Us
Iitech, a business partner of RENISHAW and ZEISS Industrial Metorology, has been serving customers with quality comprehensive in-house and on-site calibration services while offering a wide range of measuring instruments from both Renishaw as well as Zeiss to solve specific measuring tasks.
We provide service onsite at your facility for many different types of test and measurement equipment.
We repair a wide range of electronic and mechanical instrumentation and offer a no charge estimate for instrumentation and gauging repair.
We provide replacement equipment for those units that are just beyond economical repair.
We partner with a number of third party companies for some niche items that require onsite calibration such as surface plates, optical comparators etc.

We are extremely proud to represent ‘Renishaw’ one of the world’s leading engineering and scientific technology companies, with expertise in precision measurement and healthcare, and ‘ZIESS’ who is a leading manufacturer of multidimensional metrology solutions.
At Iitech, our objective is to ensure that a variety of solutions are available to meet your requirements with value, consistency, and reliability.
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